About us
We are a Jodo Shinshu Buddhist temple that empowers people to live mindfully and compassionately every day.
We welcome anyone who wants to make meaningful connections within a diverse community in this era of increasing societal, political, and environmental stress and uncertainty.
Our Ministers
Rev. Yuki joined our temple in 2023 as the Rimban, or regional head minister, of the Greater Sacramento area temples.
Rev. Yuki Sugahara
Rev. Matt has been our resident minister since 2018 following his first assignment in the Central California District.
Rev. Matt Hamasaki
Our Minister’s Assistants
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is an elected body of community leaders who are dedicated to the future of the temple. The administrative and financial affairs of the Betsuin are carried out under the direction of the Board of Trustees, thirty members from the general membership elected on staggered three-year terms. One representative from each affiliated and sponsored organization, along with a group of Elders acting as advisors, also comprises the Board.
Officers – President Karen Adachi; President-Elect Bobby Tanaka; Treasurer Cheryl Oto-Inouye; Secretary Audrey Seo; Auditors Sandy Kataoka-Fong, Michael Watanabe, Marty Sakata; Last Two Immediate Past Presidents Stuart Ito, Gordon Nitta
Trustees – Brian Hatano, Aaron Imura, Dina Ito, Kelvin Mark, Ellen Maseba, Matthew Nitta, Shirley Sekeres, Diane Shimosaka, Robert Tanaka, Curtis Ishii
Karen Adachi, Mark Amioka, Roger Ikemoto, Cheryl Inouye, Ron Ishimoto, Sharon Ito Warren, Stuart Ito, Gordon Nitta, Russell Oto, Michael Watanabe
Tristan Brown, Steve Itagaki, Stephen Ito, Stephen Jiang, Sandy Kataoka-Fong, Robbie Midzuno, Koichi Mizushima, Martin Sakata, Audrey Seo, Shannon Suo
Elders - Roy Imura, Wayne Kurahara, Sam Adachi, Hodge Kawakami, Akio Seo, Ted Yoshimura, Alan Hoshida
Contact us
Office: (916) 446-0121
2401 Riverside Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95818-2233
A strong foundation built on a rich history
Established in 1899, the Buddhist Church of Sacramento has served as a place for both the Jodo Shinshu Dharma and the Japanese-American community to flourish.
Policies & Statements
All Are Welcome
The Sacramento Buddhist Church welcomes all visitors to our temple regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation. Just as the historical Buddha broke with tradition 2,600 years ago, the Buddhist teachings are meant to be shared with everyone. All human life is precious, and all human beings are connected in a life of oneness.
Protocol for In-Person Services: Updated 10/1/23
Wearing a mask is not mandatory but highly recommended. Proof of vaccination is not required.
Dharma Services will be held in-person in the church HONDO beginning at 9:30 am. We will continue to broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube.
All services start at 9:30 AM. The Shotsuki Hoyo Monthly Memorial Service is on the first Sunday of the month combined with the Dharma service starting at 9:30 am. All services will continue to be broadcasted live on the church’s Facebook page for those who want to participate virtually.
Temple Office Hours: The Betsuin Office will be open on Sundays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, except while the service is in session.
Please note that in-person services are subject to cancellation if county/CDC guidelines change or if it becomes too risky for the safety and health of our Sangha members to continue with indoor gatherings.
In the event of a change, we will post the updates on our website, Facebook page, and send a message out to our email list.