14th Annual Golf Tournament - Thank You!
The members of the Sacramento Buddhist Church Golf Committee extend our appreciation to the sponsors, raffle prize and cash donors, and players for their support of this year’s golf tournament. We realize the success of this event could not have been possible without your continued support and contributions to the temple. Successful events, such as a golf tournament, rely on the detailed planning of activities and tasks that are delivered on a timely basis by the village of volunteers. The work of these dedicated individuals is guided by the committee’s team leaders, and their collective efforts may go unnoticed by our guests as they enjoy all the activities of the day’s events.
A recap of the of the tournament contributions is as follows:
Tournament Field: 156 golfers played in this year’s event.
Bento Lunch Box: Prepared 200 bento boxes for the tournament’s players, guests and volunteers.
Sponsors and Donors: 56 generous tournament sponsors (Gold, Silver, Bronze; In-Memory-of) and 68 cash and raffle prize donors
Thank you for making our 2024 Golf Tournament a huge success! See you next year!
2024 Golf Tournament Photo Album can be viewed here.
2024 Tournament Highlights
To view complete photo album, click here.

The Board of Trustees invites its Sangha members, returning golfers, as well as friends of the Betsuin to participate in the 14th annual Sacramento Buddhist Church (SBC) Golf Tournament for the 2024 calendar year. This year we celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Buddhist Church of Sacramento.
Check-In: Begins at 6:30 am
Shotgun Start: 7:30 am
7200 Garden Highway, Sacramento
Course Phone Number: 916-922-5209
PLAYING FORMAT AND SCORING: Player Limit: 144 players (shared carts)
The tournament will be played under the modified scramble format called a “shamble”. The format calls for each golfer to tee a ball into play with the group selecting the spot from one of the teed balls (scramble) to play their second shot. Each golfer will continue to play under individual stroke play rules after the team’s second shot to determine his/her score for the hole.
TOURNAMENT FEE: $140 per golfer
The tournament fee includes a round of golf, cart, morning pastries and coffee, on-course beverages, tee prizes, bento box lunch served at the church Kaikan, and a monetary donation to the SBC. Additional Bento Boxes ordered on the Tournament Entry Form are $25 each.
The committee encourages everyone to buy the pre-tournament “bonus pack” consisting of 20 raffle prize drawing tickets, two mulligans, and two miracle putts for $25. The bonus pack can only be purchased with your entry form. The more bonus packs purchased, the greater the chance to score well and win prizes!
Please use the keyboard writeable pdf form found here.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Thursday, June 10, 2024
The golf committee anticipates a full field of golfers (144) so be sure to submit your entry form as soon as possible.
Completed entry and donation forms can be emailed to betsuingolf@gmail.com to ensure prompt recording of your team’s entry and cash donations to the tournament. Please make your check payable to the Sacramento Buddhist Church. Your check(s) and entry forms must be addressed and sent by US mail to:
Sacramento Buddhist Church Golf Tournament
899 Shore Breeze Drive
Sacramento, CA 95831
Two of the temple’s prized kitchen chefs—Marty Sakata and Gordon Nitta—along a host of volunteers lead by Diane Shimosaka and Sheryl Kajioka will be preparing a delicious assortment of entrées and condiments that will be served in the Kaikan following the end of tournament play. The meals will be served in Bento boxes. The committee encourages
everyone to dine-in with your friends and fellow players in the Kaikan where tables, chairs and an assortment of beverages will be available to “washdown” your meal.
The committee extends its many thanks to the individual raffle prize donors and to Robbie Midzuno for his annual donation to the SBC golf tournament of the two grand prizes. The grand prize offerings can only be won by buying a bonus pack(s).
• First Prize: Three-night stay (Thursday - Sunday) at the Lake Tahoe Vacation Resort for the period July 10-13, 2025.
• Second Prize: Two-night stay (Friday - Sunday) at the Lake Tahoe Vacation Resort for the period July 11-13, 2025.
These dates coincide with the running of the much-heralded Celebrity Golf Tournament held at Edgewood Golf Course.
Tee box sponsorships can be purchased at the gold, silver, bronze, individual, “In Memory Of” and group sponsorship levels. The donor’s name and sponsorship level will be displayed on signage boards at or near the tee box area of each hole. The bronze, silver and gold tee box sponsorships include complimentary green fees from one to four golfers and priority entry into the golf tournament.
Monetary or in-kind donations are also welcomed! Sponsorships or donations can be submitted using the keyboard writeable Sponsorship and Donation Form found here.
This event is a major fundraising activity for the temple’s capital improvement account. The members of the golf (sub)committee oversee the organization, administration, and accounting for the net proceeds (sources and usage) that are deposited in the temple’s capital improvement checking account. The golf committee extends its thanks for your continued support.
Any questions and/or comments about the 2024 event can be sent via email to the golf committee at betsuingolf@gmail.com. The temple office staff can provide general information about the event. The number to call is 916-446-0121.
Thank you for your continued support and participation in this fun-filled event.
Buddhist Church of Sacramento Golf Tournament Committee
Download forms now: Registration form and Sponsor/Donor form.