In Memory of Angelica Bravo

Our community was rocked by the news of the tragic loss of Angelica “Angel” Bravo, who is the granddaughter of a longstanding member of the Buddhist Church of Sacramento.

In the spirit of Obon, we are collecting donations in memory of Angelica to help the family in their time of need. 100% of the donations will be presented to the family from our temple community.

Donations can be made using this link.

The 28-year-old mother was found dead in her Sacramento home on July 8 and her two children were missing. The cause of her death has not yet been determined.

Detectives believe the children’s father Camrom Lee drove off with four-year-old Athena Lee and two-year-old Mateo Leo and may have crossed the Mexican border.


Temple members teach children about Japanese culture


Amazingness of Living Each Day