Toastmasters: Join Us for an Interest Meeting

Toastmasters can help develop your public speaking and leadership skills no matter what your current comfort level is. It offers a friendly, safe and supportive learning environment to help you build self-confidence so you can achieve your personal and professional goals.

Toastmasters also helps improve listening skills, impromptu speaking and giving effective feedback. Learn and connect with your fellow Sangha members and have fun too!

Four informational meetings will be held on Sundays after Dharma Service in January 2024 to determine if there is interest in forming a club at the Sacramento Betsuin. A club can be formed with 20 or more interested adults (18 years and older). A new club will have two sponsors and two club mentors.

Meetings are Sunday, January 7, 14, 21, 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Little Hondo.

To RSVP or for more information, please contact Gayle Kono at or (916) 754-6210.


MLK March for the Dream: “Lessons of Compassion”


Deadline Extended: Opportunity Drawing 2024